Half Step Band

The Gazebo on Church Street Malverne, NY, United States

October 16 from 2pm-4pm Playing the music of The Grateful Dead


October Candy Crawl

Participating merchant member offices and stores in Malverne, NY. Malverne, NY, United States

*Exact date/time TBD* Sponsorship Opportunities Available. Members hand out candy or promotional items to children as they trick-or-treat through town.

November Small Business Saturday

Participating merchant member offices and stores in Malverne, NY. Malverne, NY, United States

More information will follow. Members can run specials to promote their business.

November Puppy Trot

Participating merchant member offices and stores in Malverne, NY. Malverne, NY, United States

*Exact date/time TBD* Sponsorship Opportunities Available. Chamber Champ leads a parade of residents and their furry friends through the Village. Members can run specials to promote their business.

December Lighting of Malverne

Participating merchant member offices and stores in Malverne, NY. Malverne, NY, United States

Sponsorship Opportunities Available. The Chamber provides a free movie at the Malverne Cinema for families in town. Members can run specials to promote their business.

Fall Festival & Classic Car Show

Connelly Station 280 Hempstead Ave, Malverne, NY, United States

Live music, classic cars, vendors, rides, games, Chamber Champ, and more!


The Candy Crawl

The Gazebo on Church Street Malverne, NY, United States

Music, treats, follow Chamber Champ through town to trick or treat for candy at select merchants. Participating merchants will have a big orange pumpkin on their door. Fun for all ages BRING YOUR OWN BAG!

Gift Certificate Saturday

Post Office 339 Hempstead Ave., Malverne, NY

Stop by to get FREE Chocolates on your way to purchasing Gift Certificates for your loved one for Valentines Day.

March General Meeting

Cornerstone 22 22 Church Street, Malverne, NY

Exact Date and place to come
This meeting is for 2024 members of the Malverne Chamber of Commerce. Come see relevant speakers, network and learn how the Chamber can support you this year.

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8th Annual Art Walk

Call for Artists!

Join our first juried show, to be viewed June 14-July 2025 in Malverne

We are proud to announce that our juror will be Holly Gordon, an experienced photographer/artist, teacher, curator, and speaker. Please see attached flyer to learn more about this accomplished artist. More Information